Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #32 Jan 15, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

This auspicious year of 2008 is a rushing river of change surging through Mother Earth and all who dwell within and upon Her. Close your eyes and listen to the river's roar. Movement streams steadily from all directions flushing out tattered thoughts and behaviors, and life as it was known before today.

OPEN. BREATHE. SURRENDER. The answer to your dreary struggle is to BE Creation's co-conspirator, and to embrace this Partnership from which all miracles spring forth. In Love's Luminous Field of Unfolding Possibilities the Holy Union flourishes. What looked to be gigantic fissures separating you and God were only false tracings conjured up in wild moments of egoic madness and despair.

Healing comes in many forms. Some forms appear as challenges, when actually they are rich opportunities to stretch and grow. Rejoice, and trust Love in all Its colorful expressions and surprising manifestations. Delight in the Unknown. Wish not for security and safety in worn-out comforts. Wade boldly through the energetic river. Soon one foot touches new ground, and then the other. Here true safety and security are found in the land of milk and honey where men and women dwell in harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

PAUSE when the fear wells up. What cries out for loving kindness? Practice, daily, welcoming extraordinary circumstances. BE PRESENT to view novel angles, and lovingly greet all feelings knocking at your heart's door. These are the messages spread before you NOW.

Christ calls. When you answer, just say "YES".

All Love and Blessings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the dawning Light,

I AM Magdalena

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