Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #34 Jan 29, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

Love’s Luminous Field of Unfolding Realities beckons. PAUSE. BREATHE. BE AT EASE. That which has been prayed for is offered to you now – Earth’s Heaven awaits your presence. Many have already taken the first steps away from one dimension and are teetering on the brink of expansion into another.

Dear ones, what courage is called for as you leave behind recognizable landscapes and face the unknown territory of the Sacred Heart. Some say things will be different then, and yet the same. How is that possible? When inner change occurs, everything inside and out reflects those changes. Waves of Love and Gratitude create harmonious rhythms of joy and liberation. Vivid colors of Light dazzle the mind’s eye, and the world around mirrors these brilliant hues. Yes, it’s a newborn world, and so inviting!

There is nothing to fear, beloved bearers of Light, and every reason for celebration. You ARE the enlightened ones who shine beyond the darkness on your own behalf and for those yet cowering in dingy shadows of disintegrating history.

BREATHE as a daily exercise to invigorate the body/mind, and to circulate this atmospheric momentum nourishing your flowering hearts and minds and DNA. Feel the buoyancy of being Light-hearted and free of weighty burdens once borne on weary shoulders.

Soon you will discover how little actually had to be fine-tuned in order for this miracle to unfold. Nearly there – you are nearly there.

All Love and Honor to our brave sisters and brothers of the Light,
I AM Magdalena

1 comment:

St Wonderheart said...

Congratulations on this Blog. You are doing well!

st john