Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #33 Jan 22, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

PAUSE. BREATHE. Dear ones, pause often and breathe into the nurturing heart/womb where possibilities quiver in anticipation of a birth. The world you have known is fast metamorphosing into a fresh expression of itself. Celebrate the disappearance of old familiar patterns. Governments, religions, industries, cultures and family dynamics require a generous infusion of Love to transmute the divisive systems of a bygone era.

Love, the Divine Ingredient, flows with ease and grace through this regenerative change and transformation. It establishes the rhythm of giving and receiving free of all shadows and conditions. Now fully in play, Its sensuous motion both soothes and inspires human hearts and minds.

“Love allows all things,” it is said. See your reflection in Love’s mirror and so recognize who you are. Withhold no feature from yourself. All that you are is God. No matter where you look, there is the One. PAUSE. BREATHE. Feel gaze soften and heart open. Give thanks for this magnificent life brimming with blessings, even those disguised as obstacles.

EVERYTHING is a blessing. What may seem to be a terrible affliction of body, mind, spirit or society comes in the service of healing. Your gratitude fertilizes the soil of possibility, and an unforeseen fruit ripens in the dark of night when you are tossing feverishly on what seems to be a bed of thorns.

Laugh at your cloudy despair and dance in the rain it showers upon you. Soon the sun will shine once more, and in its Light appears an abundant Tree of Life growing on dear Mother Earth, emerging from the rich manure of the past. Welcome to the new world and true Reality!

All adoration to our birthing brothers and sisters of the Light,
I AM Magdalena


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Well written article.

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