Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #31 Jan 08, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

PAUSE. BREATHE. RELAX. My dears, what takes place just out of sight is that which your souls call forth. You arrived carrying within your DNA the possibility for a shift in consciousness. Let go of the long centuries of separation from God. Enter the reunion with all Life as you surrender into Love’s waiting embrace. For the moment you trust Love, the old form built on judgments, comparisons, and inequalities of every kind is released, and an incomprehensible power frees heart and mind of antagonism and dismay.

Breathe in the possibilities spread before you. A new Life awaits your presence in it. In the midst of global struggles and turmoil lie the solutions that have so long eluded humankind. Sit quietly awhile, dear ones. The Christ Light seeks your company in this great Awakening. Be still long enough to receive the Illumination beaming into the solar atmosphere.

Let go of creeds and doctrines, for they are worn-old clichés devised at a time now past and forever gone. BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ONE. Herein the way is made clear, and God’s Truth becomes your foundation for living in fellowship with your sisters and brothers and all sentient beings.

Reality is being present. So, get real. Release those last bits of baggage you’ve been clinging to in hopes there’s something to be salvaged from the past. At home or abroad, BE HERE NOW.

We are with you always, and under every circumstance. To participate in your life is sheer delight, and being midwives in the birth and activation of your planetary emancipation, pure pleasure.

All Love and Celebration to you, one and all,

I AM Magdalena

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