Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #30 Jan 01, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

Step boldly into this New Year. The past is over and done, a vague whisper soon fading into the ethers of a bygone era of the world. Humanity is infused with a new vision, introduced to colors, hues, and shapes projected from dimensions unfamiliar to the naked eye.

PAUSE. BREATHE. RELAX. Feel a sigh of satisfaction roll through your body and come to rest in Mother Earth who is so ready for a change of heart. Love’s compassionate revolution advances steadily throughout the Cosmos, undeterred by dense human efforts to block Its resolute progress, a spiral movement looping through eternity and endless space.

AHH…How refreshing is this moment. Welcome rhythms ripple through frenetic activity so revered and yet unsatisfactory, for Love desires to glide effortlessly on Nature’s soothing currents.

This year, 2008, heralds in a wide variety of worldwide alterations. Your ground of being, beloved Earth Herself, requires your most enlightened consideration. Pollution of every sort and variety has compromised Her cleansing powers, and Her energy droops with the weight of conflict, greed, and rape that deliberately ignores Her requirements for healthy living.

Come one, come all, and put aside a single careless and habitual excess. Whatever choice is made can benefit you, your brothers, and your sisters. Surely, through this choice the Mother’s flagging resources can be restored. All choices made in Loving Kindness contribute to the Whole as etheric, mental, emotional, and physical forms recover from the long siege of pillaging and devastation. Live renewed in Peace and God’s everlasting generosity.

All Love and Blessings to our Brothers and our Sisters in Christ,

I AM Magdalena

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