Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #34 Jan 29, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

Love’s Luminous Field of Unfolding Realities beckons. PAUSE. BREATHE. BE AT EASE. That which has been prayed for is offered to you now – Earth’s Heaven awaits your presence. Many have already taken the first steps away from one dimension and are teetering on the brink of expansion into another.

Dear ones, what courage is called for as you leave behind recognizable landscapes and face the unknown territory of the Sacred Heart. Some say things will be different then, and yet the same. How is that possible? When inner change occurs, everything inside and out reflects those changes. Waves of Love and Gratitude create harmonious rhythms of joy and liberation. Vivid colors of Light dazzle the mind’s eye, and the world around mirrors these brilliant hues. Yes, it’s a newborn world, and so inviting!

There is nothing to fear, beloved bearers of Light, and every reason for celebration. You ARE the enlightened ones who shine beyond the darkness on your own behalf and for those yet cowering in dingy shadows of disintegrating history.

BREATHE as a daily exercise to invigorate the body/mind, and to circulate this atmospheric momentum nourishing your flowering hearts and minds and DNA. Feel the buoyancy of being Light-hearted and free of weighty burdens once borne on weary shoulders.

Soon you will discover how little actually had to be fine-tuned in order for this miracle to unfold. Nearly there – you are nearly there.

All Love and Honor to our brave sisters and brothers of the Light,
I AM Magdalena

Magdalena Weekly Message #33 Jan 22, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

PAUSE. BREATHE. Dear ones, pause often and breathe into the nurturing heart/womb where possibilities quiver in anticipation of a birth. The world you have known is fast metamorphosing into a fresh expression of itself. Celebrate the disappearance of old familiar patterns. Governments, religions, industries, cultures and family dynamics require a generous infusion of Love to transmute the divisive systems of a bygone era.

Love, the Divine Ingredient, flows with ease and grace through this regenerative change and transformation. It establishes the rhythm of giving and receiving free of all shadows and conditions. Now fully in play, Its sensuous motion both soothes and inspires human hearts and minds.

“Love allows all things,” it is said. See your reflection in Love’s mirror and so recognize who you are. Withhold no feature from yourself. All that you are is God. No matter where you look, there is the One. PAUSE. BREATHE. Feel gaze soften and heart open. Give thanks for this magnificent life brimming with blessings, even those disguised as obstacles.

EVERYTHING is a blessing. What may seem to be a terrible affliction of body, mind, spirit or society comes in the service of healing. Your gratitude fertilizes the soil of possibility, and an unforeseen fruit ripens in the dark of night when you are tossing feverishly on what seems to be a bed of thorns.

Laugh at your cloudy despair and dance in the rain it showers upon you. Soon the sun will shine once more, and in its Light appears an abundant Tree of Life growing on dear Mother Earth, emerging from the rich manure of the past. Welcome to the new world and true Reality!

All adoration to our birthing brothers and sisters of the Light,
I AM Magdalena

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #32 Jan 15, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

This auspicious year of 2008 is a rushing river of change surging through Mother Earth and all who dwell within and upon Her. Close your eyes and listen to the river's roar. Movement streams steadily from all directions flushing out tattered thoughts and behaviors, and life as it was known before today.

OPEN. BREATHE. SURRENDER. The answer to your dreary struggle is to BE Creation's co-conspirator, and to embrace this Partnership from which all miracles spring forth. In Love's Luminous Field of Unfolding Possibilities the Holy Union flourishes. What looked to be gigantic fissures separating you and God were only false tracings conjured up in wild moments of egoic madness and despair.

Healing comes in many forms. Some forms appear as challenges, when actually they are rich opportunities to stretch and grow. Rejoice, and trust Love in all Its colorful expressions and surprising manifestations. Delight in the Unknown. Wish not for security and safety in worn-out comforts. Wade boldly through the energetic river. Soon one foot touches new ground, and then the other. Here true safety and security are found in the land of milk and honey where men and women dwell in harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

PAUSE when the fear wells up. What cries out for loving kindness? Practice, daily, welcoming extraordinary circumstances. BE PRESENT to view novel angles, and lovingly greet all feelings knocking at your heart's door. These are the messages spread before you NOW.

Christ calls. When you answer, just say "YES".

All Love and Blessings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the dawning Light,

I AM Magdalena

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #31 Jan 08, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

PAUSE. BREATHE. RELAX. My dears, what takes place just out of sight is that which your souls call forth. You arrived carrying within your DNA the possibility for a shift in consciousness. Let go of the long centuries of separation from God. Enter the reunion with all Life as you surrender into Love’s waiting embrace. For the moment you trust Love, the old form built on judgments, comparisons, and inequalities of every kind is released, and an incomprehensible power frees heart and mind of antagonism and dismay.

Breathe in the possibilities spread before you. A new Life awaits your presence in it. In the midst of global struggles and turmoil lie the solutions that have so long eluded humankind. Sit quietly awhile, dear ones. The Christ Light seeks your company in this great Awakening. Be still long enough to receive the Illumination beaming into the solar atmosphere.

Let go of creeds and doctrines, for they are worn-old clichés devised at a time now past and forever gone. BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ONE. Herein the way is made clear, and God’s Truth becomes your foundation for living in fellowship with your sisters and brothers and all sentient beings.

Reality is being present. So, get real. Release those last bits of baggage you’ve been clinging to in hopes there’s something to be salvaged from the past. At home or abroad, BE HERE NOW.

We are with you always, and under every circumstance. To participate in your life is sheer delight, and being midwives in the birth and activation of your planetary emancipation, pure pleasure.

All Love and Celebration to you, one and all,

I AM Magdalena

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #30 Jan 01, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

Step boldly into this New Year. The past is over and done, a vague whisper soon fading into the ethers of a bygone era of the world. Humanity is infused with a new vision, introduced to colors, hues, and shapes projected from dimensions unfamiliar to the naked eye.

PAUSE. BREATHE. RELAX. Feel a sigh of satisfaction roll through your body and come to rest in Mother Earth who is so ready for a change of heart. Love’s compassionate revolution advances steadily throughout the Cosmos, undeterred by dense human efforts to block Its resolute progress, a spiral movement looping through eternity and endless space.

AHH…How refreshing is this moment. Welcome rhythms ripple through frenetic activity so revered and yet unsatisfactory, for Love desires to glide effortlessly on Nature’s soothing currents.

This year, 2008, heralds in a wide variety of worldwide alterations. Your ground of being, beloved Earth Herself, requires your most enlightened consideration. Pollution of every sort and variety has compromised Her cleansing powers, and Her energy droops with the weight of conflict, greed, and rape that deliberately ignores Her requirements for healthy living.

Come one, come all, and put aside a single careless and habitual excess. Whatever choice is made can benefit you, your brothers, and your sisters. Surely, through this choice the Mother’s flagging resources can be restored. All choices made in Loving Kindness contribute to the Whole as etheric, mental, emotional, and physical forms recover from the long siege of pillaging and devastation. Live renewed in Peace and God’s everlasting generosity.

All Love and Blessings to our Brothers and our Sisters in Christ,

I AM Magdalena