Monday, February 18, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #37 Feb 19, 2008

Greetings to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart,

There is a steady Voice, a Presence gently calling your attention to a path called NOW, bright-lit with Love and Wisdom and delightful Humor. Acknowledge your concern in any situation; breathe deep, and listen for a resolution. Creation is down-to-earth and generous in its response to every wondering and concern. Be faithful to the inner Guide, that which is lovingly aligned with you.

PAUSE. BREATHE. LISTEN. Are you seduced by turbulent 5 o’clock news, the beauty of the sky, dicey schemes, or possibilities for problem-solving action? Choose carefully each focus of your attention. Your emotional investment influences the outcome of your selections and these outcomes flow into the Cosmic Lattice that fuels Earth and human consciousness. Whatever carries you into Love’s Luminous field includes your sisters and brothers in the planting. Care for yourself and all sentient beings also benefit.

PAUSE. BREATHE. LISTEN. Trust is required today, for what has been still tempts the ego that is reluctant to let go. Trust the wisdom of the heart though you may not see what lies ahead. The intellect can only go so far in its reasoning. The Holy One is the final Way-shower, the Sacred Heart of hearts, the Cosmos, and Eternity.

Rise up each morning listening. Trust the Voice and feel your partnership with God in every thought and action of the day. When you feel attacked or slighted, turn up the volume to hear precisely what God has to say, and follow through with what you hear.

Peace on Earth comes with a price—the giving up of thinking you can right the world’s imbalance on your own. Rely on Love. Trust God. Celebrate this grand collaboration that is available at all times and under every condition presented to you. BE in the world in partnership with Creation and your life will change in wondrous ways.

All Love and Trust and Celebration to you, dear ones,
I AM Magdalena

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