Monday, February 18, 2008

Magdalena Weekly Message #36 Feb 12, 2008

Greeting to our Sisters and our Brothers of the Heart.

Love’s Season is upon the world, nudging hearts to open to Its glorious display of feelings, resonations, and vivid colors. Love’s Language is most fully illuminated during such passionate displays, for spoken words pale in the brilliance of Love’s ravishing Light. PAUSE. BREATHE. Bask in the glory of promises now unveiled.

Circumstances may seem uncertain, for the dimness of old paradigms lingers even as you emerge into the wonder of vast Light-bedazzled Fields of Unfolding Possibilities. BE THE LIGHT, for that, in Truth, is what you are and have always been. All else is smoke and mirrors, inadequate trickery to dim your brilliance.

EXPAND! Habitual contraction diminishes the Spirit and limits free movement. Note every nuance, every thought and feeling and reaction. Ask, “What is the Soul’s response?” And live in the Reality of Wisdom that pours forth. To turn from retort to response is a mark of a Spiritual Warrior, the peacekeeper who surrounds the situation and embraces all facets of it free from judgment and conditions.

If you seek healing of body, mind or spirit, know it is yours when you say YES and Yield Everything to Spirit©. No doctor, therapist or magic potion can lift from your bowed shoulders anything except as you say YES, and embrace Integrity—the whole Self. Be Self-aware, for change begins within you. Politicians, ministers, and rock-stars are mere players on the stage of human consciousness. Change YOUR consciousness and change the world.

The question comes, “But what about you and Jeshua, dear Magdalena? How did you live as humans, and what is your story?” Our story, dear ones, is the eternal message of enlightenment, Love’s blended flame of pure radiance unimpaired by human customs, mores, and behaviors. Does Love require courage to hold firm when judgment, scrutiny, and condemnation strike like tearing barbs of torment? Of course it does.

Abandon duality and lean into one another, forsaking all else in favor of blessed Union with the One Divine and Holy Source. Reflect on what you want and who you are, and then act fearlessly upon the understanding that arises from your deep reflection.

Rest in God’s open Heart, and feel the blessings of this hour.

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